323 Sports


Easy & Free With 323 Sports!

It’s never been easier to sell school and team apparel online. If it wasn’t  in your plans this year, this is your sign to get one!

For the past six years, 323 Sports has helped hundreds of teams and programs set up FREE online stores so they could sell more branded apparel and raise money FAST. Learn more below on how we can help get your team store set up TODAY!

You Select. We Set Up.

1) You pick out a couple of designs and a few core items like shirts, hoodies, & hats.

We suggest limiting the design and product offerings so you can drive more volume per product. This will help keep the costs down, which is helpful since you will have full control over the items’ final price.

Grace Christian Demo Store

2) We create a FREE online store that houses the designs & products you just selected.

Once you pick your designs and gear (from our catalog of options), we’ll get to work creating your custom branded team store. We can usually get your team store turned around and ready within 48 hours! ⏱

You Sell. We Ship.

Grace Christian Demo Store

3) The store opens. Time for you to get that link out there! 🔗

Once your store is ready, it’s now up to you to make sure your custom link gets sent out to all your parents, fans, and pretty much anyone that might be interested in buying your school/team’s gear. Post your link on social media, your website, and anywhere you can think of!

4) The store closes when you want it to, then we handle the rest!

Once the store is closed, your job is done!  In about three weeks, you can expect a box(es) to arrive with everyone’s orders individually bagged and labeled. Now you can hand them out at practice or have them come by and pick them up!


Until recently, if your school or company wanted to sell branded merchandise to its fans, students, or employees, you had to break out the good ole paper order forms and chase down the money for each order.

Thankfully today, there are several online options (323 Sports being our favorite 😉) that take away the stressful paperwork and money chasing. Here are 5 major advantages to using an online store for your next custom gear campaign.

1. All Online = No Paper

Getting rid of the paper trail is one of the biggest reasons people are transitioning all their fan gear and similar merchandise sales online. Paper forms can easily get lost and require a lot of time and attention. With everyone purchasing online, your admins can easily log in to the sales dashboard and see who ordered (and who didn’t). No need to track this info on paper anymore!

2. Online Payments = No Chasing Money

We’ve all had the responsibility of collecting money at some point in our life. Whether for fantasy football, fundraising campaigns, or class t-shirts…the frustration is still the same. You’ve got to chase down money! With online stores, everyone pays with their credit card. Finally, an end to the “I’ll bring a check on Sunday” lingo.

3. Instant Ordering = No Excess Inventory

One of the top complaints we receive from organizations wanting to transition all their gear to an online store is inventory. Traditionally, when schools or businesses order branded merchandise, they will either use a signup form or bulk order a ton of stuff and hope to sell it. With an online store, everyone can see the merchandise and buy whatever they want upfront. This usually means no leftover inventory!

4. Free To Set Up = No Cost To You

As good as all this online store sounds, you’re probably thinking that an online store will cost you a ton of money to set up. The good news is…it won’t. In fact, setting up your online store is 100% free and can take as little as 24 hours to open (depending on the time of year).

5. We Handle All The Work = No Wasted Time

They say that time is one of our most valuable commodities. It doesn’t matter how it’s saved. All that matters is saving it. Moving your next spirit wear or promotional gear sale to an online store will save you quite a bit of time. Start saving those precious seconds today!

Online stores

Frequently Asked Questions

How many items can I put on our team store?


As many as you want!

You can choose to put just one tee in your store, or you can include 20 items (jackets, hats, shorts, etc.). The important thing to remember is you must sell at least 12 items per screen size and design. For example, if you had a hoodie, short-sleeve tee, and long-sleeve tee all with the same design, then you could sell four hoodies, four short-sleeve tees, and four long-sleeve tees, totaling 12 pieces (all with the same screen size and design).

How does my school or team make money?


By charging a higher price than the cost of the item.

If your cost on a 2-color print short-sleeve tee is $8, and you choose to set the price of that item at $15, then you would make $7.00.💰  It’s that simple! 

Once all the orders have been placed, and your store has closed, the total margin made will be applied as a credit to your account. That money can then be used for any future uniform, apparel, or equipment purchases through 323 Sports.

Can I return an item I received for something different?

Unfortunately, no.

When someone purchases an item through the team store, their order is placed in our software. At the same time, all other teammates, coaches, students, and parents are placing their store orders. Once the store closes, we immediately begin processing all orders. We do not print or embroider any extra items not purchased through the team store (i.e., single items cannot be printed or embroidered).


We offer two options for team stores: a 2-Week Flash Store OR a 24/7/365 Store. If you’re trying to decide between the two, look at what’s most important to you and your program:

Is it price and the ability to make the most money for your school? If so, we would suggest going with our traditional 2-week stores.

Is convenience the most important factor? If so, then we would strongly suggest our 24/7/365 stores. Once you’re setup, there’s literally nothing else you have to do.

Trusted by Hundreds of Schools & Teams Just Like Yours! 

Let’s Speak About An Online Store!

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